Ordering medicine

How to order medicine for delivery or local collection.

Updated over a week ago

Before you can order, you need to add medicine in your account.

We recommend ordering medicine 10 to 14 days before you run out. This gives us time to request the prescription from your GP, have our pharmacists check things over, then get it packed and sent out.

To order medicine:

  1. Go to Medicine.

  2. Select Order medicine.

  3. Choose the medicine you need, then Continue.

  4. Choose your delivery method.

  5. Review your order, then select Order now.

We always confirm the medicine you order with your GP. They review what you've ordered before sending us a prescription. We do this to keep you safe, just in case you order something different by mistake.

Ordering medicine for someone else?

You first need to add them to your account.

Once they’re added in your account, the ordering process is the same as ordering for yourself. You just need to select the person you’re ordering for first:

  • On the LloydsDirect app on mobile or tablet, select the name at the top of Medicine then choose who you want to order for.

  • On the lloydsdirect.co.uk website on mobile, select Menu at the top then the name of the person you want to order for.

  • On the lloydsdirect.co.uk website on a computer, select the name in the menu on the left then the person you want to order for.

Need to order early or need extra medicine?

GP not accept orders from LloydsDirect?

Some GP practices choose not to accept orders from services like LloydsDirect.

If this happens, you’ll need to connect with your GP’s online services.

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