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Order reminders

How order reminders work, how to change when you receive them, and why you might not be receiving them.

Updated over a week ago

We send you an email to remind you to order your next prescription 10 to 14 days before you’re due to run out.

We use your medicine supply details to determine how much medicine you have left.

  • When you add a new medicine, we ask you when it runs out – then send you an order reminder 10 to 14 days before.

  • When we receive a prescription from your GP, we use the quantity and dose instructions to calculate when you should next run out.

Change when you get order reminders

We send order reminders when we think you’re running low on medicine.

If you get order reminders at the wrong time, you’ll need to update your medicine supply details:

  1. Go to Medicine.

  2. Select the medicine you want to change the order reminder for.

  3. Select Update supply details.

  4. Depending on your situation, select either I’ve run out! or I still have some left.

  5. If you still have some left, enter how many days your current supply will last.

  6. Select Save.

Your next order reminder will be sent based on this updated supply information.

Not getting order reminders?

In some cases, you won't receive order reminders for a medicine. There are a couple of reasons why this might happen:

Your medicine doesn't have a set dose schedule

You won't receive order reminders for medicines that are prescribed to be used as and when you need them, or 'taken as needed'.

Because these medicines don't have a set dose schedule, we can't estimate when they run out. But you can order these medicines whenever you find you're running low.

You collected your last prescription from a local pharmacy

When you collect a prescription locally, it gets returned to the NHS system. This means we do not receive the quantity and dose instructions we use to set order reminders.

To get order reminders for this medicine, update your medicine supply details.

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